Eastern Delight

Summer Hafla 30th June 2018

Date now available for this years event.

Do book a place and a dance slot, it’s going to be popular!

Brenda, for Eastern Delight.

Summer Shimmy

Saturday  30th June 2018

Great Bromley Village Hall

near Colchester, Essex CO7 7JA


(Doors open 6.00 pm for Sparkle Market)

Come and enjoy a party with fellow dancers, family

and friends. 

There will be a Sparkle Market from 6.00 pm for you to have a table to sell dance related items.

    Our hafla will include performances as well as the chance for everyone to dance and enjoy themselves!

Please bring food to share for a Middle Eastern Supper.


PS There is no bar so please bring your own drinks.


Chance to Dance

We welcome dancers of all levels and styles (from beginners to professionals; modern and classical) to perform at our hafla. We guarantee a supportive and friendly audience.

If you would like to perform, please complete the form below and return as soon as possible. We ask that dances last no more than five minutes so that we can include as many as possible.


Tickets cost £7.00 


If you have any queries please contact us


Please complete and send with a cheque made out to

Brenda Wells together with a stamped self addressed envelope.


Complete and send details as below

If you would like to perform, please also complete performance details


Performance details (dance style etc.):


Contact Details: (address and / or email)


Telephone number:

Number of tickets required   

. . . . . . .            Tickets @ £7 each


Please send this form, cheque and stamped addressed envelope to:

Eastern Delight

Camelot, The Street, Bradfield

Manningtree, Essex CO11 2UU

